Friday 29 March 2013

Discipline Briefing

22nd november 2012- All mkjb students was called to the multipurpose hall to be briefed up with the discipline that the have come up with for the past few years .

From attires to class attendance,it was led by the newly appointed " head of discipline " Cikgu Zahrina , Cikgu Bohari (Councelor) ,Cikgu Sofian and Cikgu Pg Hassani .

First was about class attendance , what we know is that if a student only have below 85% attendance per month,he will be considered absent for the whole month and have no allowance at all,thats the worst part for students that are so desperate for the money.

Then it comes to bullying,we all know that bullying happens in all places even in offices. Bullying are of few types ,from emotionally , physically or verbally . It is very serious case to be a bully or the person bullied ,which can lead to student not attending college or even worst quitting college . This is why Student representatives are elected to prevent such things to happen within the class .

The last are just basic rules such as long hair,spiky hair,long nails and white shoes which are normal discipline rules since primary school .

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